In Depth Enneagram Profiling
Help us collect more data on different mix of enneagram profile types.
Service Description
In each individual, we will have a mix of the 9 different enneagram type. To align our passion on enneagram study, we would like to delve deeper and have more data collection through an individual's core motivations, fears, and desires and look out for common themes and patterns. This will help us have more statistics of different combination types, which are essential for understanding motivations and reactions to family, friends and colleagues. How can you benefit? You will get a full pdf report on your enneagram profile with a 1 to 1 consultation by our Enneagram coach. We will breakdown the report for you and you may enquire on anything relating to your profile, be it how it to improve relationship between individuals to bringing your career to greater heights. What is needed from you? We will send you a enneagram test link with 132 MCQ questions to your email. 1 to 1 Consultation will be done at a central location.
Cancellation Policy
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